Welcome Back KCAA Secondary! Here is some information about our spring semester schedule: All 6-12 students will be on either a blue or a white schedule for remote or in-person synchronous learning, depending on parental selection. The opposite days will…Continue Reading
2021-2022 Enrollment Season is upon us! All new applicants to KCAA will need to submit an application via our website: https://kunsmiller.dpsk12.org/admissions/ All current KCAA 5th & 8th graders will also need to re-apply to be considered for MS or HS.…Continue Reading
In partnership with Museo De Las Americas, KCAA high school students in the SVL (Student Voice & Leadership) class created an online gallery of art they made about the theme of being creative in quarantine. Check it out! Congrats artists!!…Continue Reading
HERE IT IS! ALL THE INFORMATION YOU NEED FOR TONIGHT’S K-12 ARTS SHOWCASE! Join at 7:00 here: meet.google.com/lookup/KCAAarts If you can’t join us live, you can watch the show anytime here: https://youtu.be/fEnRG8U_tG4 Also please visit the visual arts gallery part…Continue Reading
Join the Culinary Club from the comfort of your kitchen for the last bake-off of 2020! The KCAA Culinary Club’s December Baking Adventure will happen on Thursday December 17! All KCAA community members are invited, teachers, too!We often have whole…Continue Reading
Last week, families with students in kindergarten through fifth grade had the opportunity to change to their learning option selection (either in-person or virtual) for next semester. The window for middle and high school families to request a change is…Continue Reading