
Costa Rica Trip

Hi Families! I am so excited to announce that I will be leading a trip with students to Costa Rica next summer! This trip will be open to all students in grades 6-12 next year and will be a week long tripContinue Reading

New York Trip

Your student is invited to join us on an upcoming educational travel experience to New York City: A Broadway and the Arts experience. All details will be covered at our informational meeting. This is an amazing opportunity for your studentContinue Reading

Seniors Graduation

You and your family are invited to our seniors graduation this Monday, May 20th from 3:30-5:00 pm at Ellie Caulkins Opera House. No balloons allow. (No tickets needed to attend the ceremony)

The Little Mermaid

Buy tickets here

CMAS Letters

If you have students in Middle School, or 11th grade please take some time to read the letter below, it has important information regrading the CMAS Testing.