
How to Apply

All Interested families-

Our in-person registration will be Thursday, August 8 from 8:00 am – 4:00 pm and Friday the 9th from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm.

Elementary, Middle, and High School Applicants*: Take a moment to fill out the School of Choice form- please select and mark KCAA as first choice

Elementary will only need to complete the School of Choice application.

Secondary Students (grades 6-12) wanting to apply will need to complete this process below. ( This includes current KCAA students transitioning from grades 5th to 6th and 8th to 9th and ALL new incoming students interested in enrolling in KCAA)

 Complete the School of Choice Application (This is mandatory for all DPS)

Complete the “Intent to Enroll form
 In-Person interview- must bring portfolio for interest in the Visual Arts
 Be prepared to do a Live audition or bring a video for interest in the performing Arts

 Students will complete a writing sample as part of the interview process.

Parents can bring their students to the Enrollment Event but will not be allowed into the interview or auditions.

School of Choice

School of Choice Round 2 for the 2024-25 school year is now open through Friday, August 30, 2024. The DPS School Of Choice application and waitlist site has changed. Families can apply here. Families with existing Parent Portal accounts can log in using their username and password and families who do not have Parent Portal accounts will set up a new account.

Please visit the DPS School of Choice website for more information:

Online Registration for 2024-25
Current DPS families – save time by updating your student’s information online! By completing this process using your Parent Portal account, you can avoid paper forms and save time at the school during the fall return. All SchoolChoice applicants must have an accepted seat prior to registering their student. Select one of the windows available to register your student(s) online for 2024-25:  

To register online, primary legal guardians of current DPS students must have an active DPS Parent Portal account. Visit to sign up, or to check that your account is active and ready.For more information on how to complete online registration, contact the front office or visit

Inscripciones en línea para 2024-25

Familias actuales de DPS: ¡ahorren tiempo al actualizar la información de su estudiante en línea! Al completar este proceso a través de su cuenta del Portal para Padres, evitarán llenar formularios impresos y ahorrarán tiempo en la escuela al regresar en otoño. Antes de inscribir a su estudiante, todos los solicitantes del proceso EscojoMiEscuela deben haber sido admitidos. Seleccionen uno de los períodos disponibles para inscribir a su(s) estudiante(s) en línea para 2024-25: 

Para inscribirse en línea, los tutores legales principales de los estudiantes actuales de DPS deben tener una cuenta activa en el Portal para Padres de DPS. Visiten para inscribir a su estudiante o para verificar que su cuenta esté activa y lista.
Para obtener más información sobre cómo completar las inscripciones en línea, comuníquese con la oficina principal o visiten

DPS offers an online, mobile-friendly tool that families will use to submit their SchoolChoice application. This tool can be easily accessed from cell phones, tablets or computers. Please visit the SchoolChoice website to begin the application process. School of Choice telephone hotline: 720-423-3493.


School Finder

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