We are still looking for more families to join our very first PTHV Advisory Committee! One of the main reasons for starting this committee is to bring more family voice into the program to help is grow and thrive. Please personally reach out…Continue Reading
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held March. 8th, 4:30PM-7:30PM*. Below you will find a list of our teachers and their links to schedule your PTC. TEACHERS Subject LINK TO SCHEDULE RM Abel-Pype, Tony HS LA/SS https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D48ADAA2AA0FDC34-mrabelpype3 226 Altekruse, Megan MS/HS Math…Continue Reading
If you are interested in attending KCAA, please list us as your first choice, there are no other requirements! SchoolChoice Open Enrollment is Now Live! DPS SchoolChoice for the 2023-24 school year is now open through 4 p.m. Feb. 14. DPS’ annual open enrollment process…Continue Reading
Dear Family, Beginning on January 9th, Multilingual Learners (MLLs) in grades K-12 will participate in the ACCESS for ELLs state assessment. This assessment measures a student’s English language skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, and writing. ACCESS is…Continue Reading
Welcome back KCAA families! Please read this important letter from the principal with back to school information.
Our Secondary Theatre Department Strikes Again!! The pandemic won’t slow this team down…coming up: FRANKENSTEIN!!! We will video tape and release the show online for those who can’t make it…stay tuned for details for that! Art by Sophia Shumaker, Grade…Continue Reading