
Computer Pickup Apr. 8 for Students in Grades K-12

Dear DPS Families, If your student still needs a computer, you can pick one up on Wednesday, April 8 between 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Computer pickup is now available to students in grades K-12 on a first-come, first-served basis at 12Continue Reading

Staff Welcome and Remote Plan

Today our journey starts, please begin with our tribute from our staff to you! KCAA Staff Picture Link And our remote plan for the remainder of the year (please save the Google doc as it contains a lot of informationContinue Reading

Remote Learning Starts Now

Hello KCAA Community! Today we begin a new chapter in our collective Learning. Remote Learning will start at 9am Tuesday April 7th. Our KCAA building is now closed. All students were given a Chromebook in the beginning of the yearContinue Reading

Remote Learning Update

Hello KCAA Community! I hope you are finding some new and engaging work during this time of uncertainty. I wanted to send a quick note that we will be starting our remote learning process on Tuesday, April7th at 9am. OurContinue Reading

Letters From our Principals

Hello KCAA Secondary Community. We are trying to ensure that everyone has their devices and chargers at home. All students grades 6-12 were told to bring home their devices and chargers on Thursday 3/12 and again on Friday 3/13. IfContinue Reading

Letter From the Principal

Hello KCAA Community. With our extended school closure, I wanted to make sure that you had all of the access and information that we have to date. Our extended break starts Monday 3/16 and will run through Monday, April 7.Continue Reading