
Monday March 8: Remote for K-5 Learning

3/2/21 Dear KCAA Families, We have some GREAT news. All of the elementary staff members at KCAA are receiving their 2nd dose of the Covid vaccine this weekend! We are very grateful to Denver Public Schools for working hard toContinue Reading

CMAS Testing

In DPS, we believe that CMAS tests are an important way to monitor our students’ learning progress. We also understand that some families may not want their students to participate, including those who have selected remote learning and do notContinue Reading

Letter from the Principal

Hello KCAA Secondary Community! We are in-process of completing our 4th week of in-person/remote hybrid learning. Just a few reminders as we head into this long weekend: There is no school Monday (2/15) for Presidents day.There is no school forContinue Reading

KCAA’s annual Lunar New Year celebration

Join KCAA’s annual Lunar New Year celebration online this year! Brought to you by Student Voice & Leadership, this gathering on February 11 @ 7:00 p.m. will kick off on Google Meets, when a celebration video will be shared. InContinue Reading