
Secondary Returning to Daily In Person Learning

Hello KCAA Secondary Community! On Monday, April 19th, we will begin our transition to daily in person learning. For those who have already been in building, it will be a little change. For those coming in for the first timeContinue Reading

HS Play: The Odd Couple

Join the KCAA Theatre Department for our HS Play: Online!! Here’s the show program: Thursday April 22 Male Version & Friday April 23 Female Version: Joining Info for the Meet & Greet Thursday & Friday @ 7:00: And aContinue Reading

Vaccines for students now available!

The closest location for KCAA students is Lincoln SBHC, which is having their vaccine clinic THIS SUNDAY, 4/18/21, for the first shot. 

ES Play With Clay Night April 20!

Register for supplies here:

(UPDATED) Testing Week 4/12 – 4/16

Hello KCAA Community! I hope everyone had a great spring break as we look towards the end of a most complex school year! Next week we will begin our testing schedule. Below is AN UPDATED link to the schedule forContinue Reading

Return from break schedule update for grades 6-12

Welcome back KCAA! We hope you had a beautiful spring break! Reminder that the schedule for 6-12 this week Tues-Fri is Blue, White, Blue, White. ***Friday is NOT our normal asynchronous stripe day, in order to even out the blue/whiteContinue Reading