Arts Integration

Arts Integration Guiding Principles

At KCAA, the Arts have prominence! This includes Arts as Curriculum, Arts-Enhanced Curriculum, and Arts Integration. Arts as Curriculum are electives students can choose to focus on an art form. (See our Performing Arts and Visual Arts classes.) The main benefit of education in the arts is the acquisition of artistic habits of mind.

Arts-Enhanced Curriculum is when teachers uses arts to support or service another content area. An example of arts-enhanced curriculum is a song/dance in math class to help students learn vocabulary.

Arts Integration is when a lesson or unit is co-planned by academic and arts teachers and is grounded in equitably teaching and assessing standards in both content areas. (See the images below for many student created examples of arts integration at KCAA.)

Art Starts

Students and teachers often start classes by practicing the artistic thinking routine of “See Think Wonder”. This can be applied to all content areas and stimulates conversation and critical thinking for the upcoming lesson.

Arts Integration Nights

24-25 Arts Integration Night 1 – ELA — Photos and Video

24-25 Arts Integration Night 2 – Science and Dance Showcase – Video


All teachers participate in arts integration. For more information, contact our Dean of Arts Ms. Emily Ayres at