Posted March 3, 2023
We are still looking for more families to join our very first PTHV Advisory Committee! One of the main reasons for starting this committee is to bring more family voice into the program to help is grow and thrive. Please personally reach out to one family at your school site to see if they would be interested in joining! If so, please have them fill out the application below in the language that they prefer. Also below is a reminder of the committee’s purpose and main goals: The purpose of this committee is to bring in more school, family and community voices in order to enhance and support the DPS PTHV program. This committee will be meeting once a month for 1 hour on the third Tuesday of each month from 6-7pm via Zoom starting in February and ending in May. Our main goals will include: 1)Boosting family and school outreach 2) Providing feedback and suggestions on the certification training and 3) Strengthening the impact of our Parent Teacher Home Visit Weeks in the Fall and Spring. Here is the application where people can apply: English Spanish French Amharic Arabic Nepali Chinese Somali Vietnamese |